All Alone in the Woods (AAMC Series)
written by The Amorous Adventures of a Married Couple (Solo Female-606 words)

As a wife is missing her husband, she goes on a walk in the woods where she releases all of her sexual tension - intended for married couples looking for a way to spruce up their sex life with passion, love, and care for one another.

Note: Click on the icon to create custom words not found in the list boxes.

Story Descriptions

Woman's first name
    Color of her hair
    Style of her hair
    Description of her body
    Description of her boobs
    Description of her butt
    Description of her pussy
    Description of her under pants
    Color of her panties
    Color of her skirt
    Color of her too
    Type of car
Man's first name
    Description of his penis
    Name of company

Female Preferences

Term for a woman's chest
Term for a woman's nipples
Term for a woman's pussy
Term for a woman's clitoris
Term for womans under pants
Woman's climax juices

Male Preferences

Term for semen
Term for an erection
Term for a man's penis

Shared Preferences

Term for a butt
The act of an orgasm